
Car Accident Doctor in Freeport, NY 11520

Call Quan Medical PLLC at 516-898-7676 to schedule appointment with car accident doctors near me in Freeport, NY. Rehab, orthopedics and pain management.

Freeport, NY Car Accident Doctors Near Me Evaluate and Treat Accident Injuries

After an automobile accident, it can take hours or days for an accident victim to begin to feel any pain or symptoms. However, when the pain of whiplash makes itself known, it can be relentless. One thing needs to be made certain. All injuries as a result of an auto accident such as whiplash, back pain and neck pain must be considered serious and should be checked by a car accident doctor in Nassau County as soon as possible.

Quan Medical PLLC Car Accident Doctors Near Me Provide Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Quan Medical PLLC team offers auto accident, workplace injury, and personal injury patients onsite physiatry, physical therapy, orthopedic, and pain management in Freeport, NY.

Using physical therapy, Quan Medical PLLC assists the patient in regaining strength and mobility after an accident, injury, or surgery. Quan Medical PLLC treats all types of pain including both acute and chronic. Quan Medical PLLC focuses on orthopedic injuries of the musculoskeletal system, such as bone and joint injuries. They also treat connective tissue, muscle, and ligament issues.

Quan Medical PLLC provides physician based physical therapies, treating all types of injuries regardless of how the injury occurred. Nassau County patients receive individualized care to achieve specific wellness goals. Treatment allows an injured person to return to performing pre-accident physical activities and avoid post-accident medical issues in the future.

Common Types Of Car Accident Injuries

Car accidents can injure just about every single body part and even the slightest of auto accidents can cause some type of injury. Some symptoms do not appear for hours or even days after the accident occurs. A car accident doctor in Freeport, NY can help an injured accident victim notice the appearance of delayed injury symptoms. That’s why it’s imperative for an injured car accident occupant to receive quick medical attention. It’s a matter of determining if an injury is minor or something more severe like internal bleeding that you can’t see. Delayed treatment can risk future chronic medical issues and chronic pain.

If you’ve suffered an injury from a car accident that was not your fault, you may receive compensation for your medical expenses. Be sure to immediately discuss your injuries with your auto insurance company and seek medical advice from a Nassau County car accident doctor.

Whiplash, Neck and Back Injuries

An occupant of a vehicle involved in an auto accident will most likely experience some type of neck pain. A whiplash injury can occur, especially with rear-end type impactful collisions. Whiplash occurs as a result of the neck being forced forward and backward or side to side. This jerking movement damages the soft tissues, bones, and joints.

The body’s back area also takes the brunt of most car accidents. The trauma of the powerful collision can damage your back and cause an uncomfortable radiating pain that is felt from the neck area to the shoulders and down to the hip area.

Sprains and Strains

Auto accidents quite often cause soft tissue damage, also referred to as a tear or stretch in the body’s muscles, ligaments, and tendons. A sprain is defined as a tear in a muscle or ligament, and a strain is defined as a tear in the tendon. Soft tissue injuries from motor vehicle accidents most commonly occur in the neck, shoulder, thigh, or groin areas. Symptoms are typically pain, swelling, and muscle spasms at the injury location.

Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Auto accidents are notorious for causing head injuries as the body is thrown forward upon collision impact. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when the brain moves violently inside the skull, thereby damaging the brain tissue and cells. A concussion is classified as a minor type of TBI that can actually cause momentary loss of consciousness. Symptoms of a mild TBI include fatigue, nausea, dizziness, headache, confusion, and ringing in the ears.

Abrasions, Lacerations, Burns, And Bruises

The traumatic impact of an accident can also burn and damage the skin. An abrasion is when the top layer of skin has been scraped away. A laceration is when some part of the vehicle, like broken glass, causes a deep wound in the skin. A burn occurs when the crashed vehicle produces a dangerous source of heat or actually catches on fire. A bruise occurs when the force of the collision’s impact ruptures blood vessels beneath the skin. This can occur when a body part comes into direct contact with the steering wheel, dashboard, window, or any other part of the vehicle during an accident.

Bone Fractures

Some common injuries in a motor vehicle accident include a fractured finger, arm, or leg. While most fractures may be a partial break, the impact of a car accident can also result in a complete break in a bone. Symptoms of a bone fracture are sudden pain, swelling, and the inability to move the affected area.

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Foot Injuries

When you think about the position of a foot and ankle while driving, it’s no wonder that those body parts can be injured during a motor vehicle collision. The force of the accident impact can fracture the foot or ankle bones or cause soft tissue damage in the ankles, feet, and toes. Symptoms will include those areas feeling numb or experiencing a throbbing pain.

Hip Injuries

Similar to the foot area, the hip area also may take the brunt of a collision impact depending on the severity and angle of the collision. The hips can be injured in a variety of ways since the hip is made up of several bones and soft tissue. The accident impact can cause a hip to fracture, dislocate, or instigate painful tendonitis.

Shoulder Injuries

During a collision, the shoulders can be awkwardly thrust into many different and uncomfortable positions. This can cause a tearing or stretching of the soft tissue in the shoulder area. A more serious car accident injury would be a torn rotator cuff. This injury happens when a tendon is separated from the actual bone. Symptoms of a shoulder injury include stiffness, soreness, and a noticeable limited range of motion.

If You Were Injured In A Car Accident, Book An Appointment With A Car Accident Doctor Today in Freeport, NY

There can be a wide range of car accident injuries from whiplash and back pain to bruises and broken bones. When you do a search for car accident doctors near me in the Freeport, NY area, you will see Quan Medical PLLC at the top of the list. Contact Quan Medical PLLC and tell them that you were involved in an auto accident and need to see a medical professional as soon as possible. A Quan Medical PLLC car accident doctor will consider your injury serious and provide relief, remedy, and recovery from car accident injuries.

Call 516-898-7676 to schedule an appointment with the Quan Medical PLLC car accident doctor Freeport. A highly trained physician will evaluate the accident injuries and create an effective treatment plan so you can look forward to returning to your normal activities as soon as the treatment is completed.

Quan Medical PLLC treats injuries of patients throughout Nassau County whether the injury resulted from an auto accident, workplace or a personal accident. The team offers physical therapy and treatment for all injuries including orthopedics.

Some information about Freeport, NY

Freeport is a village in the Town of Hempstead, in Nassau County, on the South Shore of Long Island, in New York, United States. The population was 43,713 at the 2010 census, making it the second largest village in New York by population.

Before people of European ancestry came to the area, the land was part of the territory of the Meroke Indians. Written records of the community go back to the 1640s. The village now known as Freeport was part of an area called ‘the Great South Woods’ during colonial times. In the mid-17th century, the area was renamed Raynor South, and ultimately Raynortown, after a herdsman named Edward Raynor, who had moved to the area from Hempstead in 1659, cleared land, and built a cabin.

In 1853, residents voted to rename the village Freeport, adopting a variant of a nickname used by ship captains during colonial times because they were not charged customs duties to land their cargo.

After the Civil War, Freeport became a center for commercial oystering. This trade began to decline as early as the beginning of the 20th century because of changing salinity and increased pollution in Great South Bay. Nonetheless, even as of the early 21st century Freeport and nearby Point Lookout have the largest concentration of commercial fishing activity anywhere near New York City.

Learn more about Freeport.

Directions from Freeport, NY to Quan Medical PLLC

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