
Physical Therapist in Mill Neck, NY 11765

7 Areas of Physical Therapy Treated by Mill Neck, NY Physiotherapy Near Me

A Mill Neck physical therapist at Quan Medical PLLC helps patients feel better by reducing pain through physical therapy. The aim is to help them accomplish their daily physical tasks without additional aids. Physical therapy is also known as physiotherapy. Some use the terms interchangeably in the United States.

In some cases, clinics that emphasize physiotherapy concentrate on manual therapy for rehabilitation treatment. Manual therapy is a hands-on therapy service. The therapist applies pressure to their patient’s bodies with their hands. 

Manual therapy is common for occupational therapy patients. They require rehabilitation treatment for musculoskeletal pain. To reach the pain points with precision, the best tool is a pair of hands. 

In addition, a Nassau County physical therapist employs active or passive physical therapy techniques. In passive physical therapy, the patient exerts no effort. It involves alternating between ice and heat therapy. Another option is electrotherapy and massage therapy. 

Medical treatment across all disciplines is no longer a one-size-fits-all approach. Physicians, medical specialists, and physical therapists evaluate their patients before delivering a treatment plan. 

If a patient’s physical therapy treatment plan requires active therapy, the patient is an active participant in their sessions. They stretch, execute exercises, and work to strengthen their muscles. Strong muscles improve the brain’s communication with the rest of the body. It also helps reduce pain.

Some individuals live in perpetual fear of feeling pain. They stop extending their arms when they reach. Their brain anticipates pain. Thus, they don’t even try. The muscles begin to lose their strength. Plus, the individual begins to lose their range of motion and mobility. 

Physical therapy helps patients regain their confidence in accomplishing simple moves such as fully extending their arms. A therapist takes note of the point where it causes pain. Their training allows them to gauge how the patient should perform after every set of sessions. When the patient shows apprehension, the therapist pushes them. 

Fully-extending an arm poses a challenge. If a patient can regain 100% extension, the therapist ensures that it happens. Sometimes it means giving the patient an extra push.

The following are seven areas of physical therapy treated by Mill Neck, NY physiotherapy near me clinics such as Quan Medical PLLC.

Neurology Rehabilitation 

Neurology physical therapy targets individuals who experienced a debilitating disease, injury, or medical problem. Injury to the nervous system impacts their ability to freely move.

Conditions that impact the nervous system include stroke, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and Guillain Barre Syndrome. Traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, progressive neurological conditions are others.

For neurological rehabilitation, a physical rehabilitation professional puts their patient through an extensive initial evaluation. The therapist seeks to understand the cause of the neurology issues. When it occurred, how it occurred, and medical history plays a role in the patient’s recovery.

Studies show that 10% of stroke patients recover fully from the episode. An estimated 25% of stroke patients incur minor side effects. For 40% of stroke patients, aid is necessary. They do not recover enough of their mobility or neurological function to remain independent. Plus, 25% of those who suffer a stroke, experience another. 

Injury to the nervous system means it’s up to the therapist to help their patient’s brain communicate with their body as effectively as possible. 

The sooner a neurology patient enters physical therapy, the more likely they can regain most function. If too much time passes, the healthy cells fall victim to the debilitation too.

Neurology rehabilitation helps the brain re-learn how to communicate with the body again. Based on expected outcomes, the therapist measures progress. After a few sessions, the likely outcomes become more apparent. Even if the progress seems grim, it’s no reason to give up. 

Orthopedics Rehabilitation

Physiotherapists experienced in orthopedics rehabilitation focus on the musculoskeletal system. It encompasses the muscles, joints, and soft tissues. The bones, tendons, and ligaments are part of the system too.

Injuries to the musculoskeletal system range from strains to serious injuries. 

In orthopedics rehabilitation, the therapist aims to connect the patient’s nervous system and cardiovascular system. If the two work in tandem with each other, the belief is that the patient is more likely to recover close to 100%.

Sometimes an individual receives a referral to an orthopedics physical therapy specialist because age caught up to them. These individuals experience stiffness in their musculoskeletal system. For example, stiffness in their joints is prominent in the morning. Pain, when it’s cold, is also common.

After an evaluation, the therapist also asks the patient to undergo an examination. For physical therapy treatment, a therapist needs to see how a patient walks, reaches, and bends. They measure the patient’s range of motion and flexibility. Then they have the data needed to reach a prognosis and diagnosis.

Frozen shoulder, arthritis, and muscular dystrophy are examples of conditions that orthopedics therapists treat. 

For orthopedics treatment, therapists also employ passive and active techniques. Alternating between hot and cold therapies is common. The technique causes blood to rush to the area where the patient feels pain. Concentrating blood in this manner helps to heal.

Patients will receive a list of exercises to execute too. Exercises strengthen the muscles. When the muscles are stronger, the patient is more likely to feel less pain. The newfound strength leads to improved range of motion, mobility, and movement.

Pediatrics Physical Therapy

Mill Neck, NY physical therapists who specialize in pediatrics physical therapy work with children from birth through the age of 21. Their patients are minors who experience physical developmental issues such as walking. 

Some children are born with developmental deficiencies. Others develop them with age. Regardless, pediatric physical therapists understand the issues that face individuals within this age bracket.

Athletes under the age of 18 years old also see a pediatrics physical therapist. Once they turn 18, they begin to see sport therapy specialists.

Physical therapy that seeks to help children has several benefits. First, it improves their mobility and independence. Second, it becomes a confidence booster for the child. Minors, namely teenagers, face pressure to fit in with their peers. 

This time in their life focuses on making social connections with lifelong friends. It’s difficult for those with impairments to make those connections. However, physical therapy brings them closer to it.

Pediatric physical rehabilitation offers an alternative to surgery. If the child must undergo surgery, rehabilitation helps them recover from the procedure. Surgery is not a small task. It takes its toll on the body, even the young one. It’s worth exploring the kind of results that therapy can deliver in tandem with surgery or without it. It simply depends on the child’s condition and strength. 

Most parents will receive a referral to a Nassau County physiotherapy near me clinic that focuses on pediatrics for their children.

Sports Performance

The realm of sports physiotherapy has gained traction in the last decade. As the number of sports injuries increased among younger athletes, the demand for sports performance therapists increased several-fold.

Sports performance specialists have two tasks, to treat injuries among their patients and to prevent future injuries. More individuals participate in the careers of amateur and professional athletes including nutritionists, trainers, and psychologists. 

Physiotherapists receive medical training too. They don’t go far enough into their studies to become physicians. Nonetheless, therapists understand how the body functions. Those who specialize in sports, they’re a part trainer and a part healer.

The sports physical therapist treats all injuries sustained by their patients such as concussions, muscle tears, and sprains. They also train their patients. The training programs help prevent injuries. Patients receive a series of exercises and stretch to complete on their own time. Each exercise and stretch makes them stronger in areas where they are currently deemed weak.

Ergonomics Services

Another category of physical therapy care is ergonomics services. Americans spend more time indoors. Plus, they spend more time sitting down in front of electronic devices. As the economy shifted from manufacturing and agricultural work to office work, Americans started to experience new physical ailments.

Thus, physical therapy expanded into ergonomics services for office workers, among other Americans.

Common conditions that result from ergo-related issues include carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, lower back injuries, and tennis elbow. 

A physical therapist that studied ergonomics, understands how to treat these common ailments. They also educate their patients. Nassau County physical therapists are educators in their own right. They help their patients on-site. In addition, the therapist gives the patient exercises and stretches to complete at home. Moreover, they have conversations with their patients.

The conversations cover ways the patient can prevent an injury flare-up, especially after they feel better. For ergonomics, this involves adopting different postures while sitting at a desk, walking during the commute, and meetings. 

Physical therapy offers every patient a non-surgical treatment solution. A surgeon can operate on a patient whose carpal tunnel syndrome continues to advance. Surgery is not a 100% solution. The nerves are delicate. In some cases, there is no change in symptoms. In others, they get worse. 

Surgery causes its own set of concerns. To recover, a patient often needs to consume prescription medication pills that relieve pain, which have side effects. It’s tough for an individual to go from feeling pain to feeling and becoming hooked on prescription pills.

The holistic treatment helps most patients experience some relief. For some patients, that’s enough.

Respiratory Rehabilitation

An estimated 37 million Americans suffer from respiratory issues such as chronic bronchitis, asthma, and COPD. All these conditions have complementary medication. Instead of becoming dependent on prescription medications, some Americans opt for physical therapy.

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Trained physiotherapists can help patients re-train their lungs and breathing patterns. 

There is a better way to breathe. Some individuals breathe in a manner that compensates for pain but hurts them in other ways. Other individuals experience shortness of breath. Physiotherapists who specialize in respiratory rehabilitation educate their patients and train them to breathe differently.

After an evaluation and examination, the Nassau County physical therapist understands why their patient experiences breathing issues. To treat their condition, they’ll execute diaphragmatic breathing exercises. Pursed-lip breathing is another exercise. 

It may come as a surprise, but singing and laughing strengthen the lungs too, which helps breathing issues. Sometimes an individual experiences shortness of breath because they don’t participate in enough daily physical activity. 

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Pelvic floor physical therapy benefits women when they enter their later years. Women who recently gave birth benefit from this physiotherapy service too.

The female body experiences two major changes in her reproductive life. She enters her child-bearing years. Then, she exits them. Both stages impact her overall health too. When she gives birth, her body experiences a trauma that changes its makeup. For example, her hip bones and pelvic bones open.

Birthing a child results in leaks and other discomforts for a few months. As soon as she strengthens those muscles, she’ll notice that the leaks stop. Age also weakens her pelvic floor. Men experience something similar when they age. Although they don’t benefit directly from exercises such as Kegels, pelvic floor physical rehabilitation benefits them too. 

Pelvic floor rehabilitation involves a series of active physical exercises. Thus, the patient is actively involved. If the patient experiences tightness in the connective ligaments and tissues, the Mill Neck, NY physical therapist will employ passive treatments too.

For most patients, pelvic floor treatments deliver results in six to eight weeks. Sessions take place a couple of times a week for one hour each. If pain, leaks, or other pelvic issues do not resolve, the treatment can continue for several months. Patients can expect to receive a set of exercises to complete at home. Plus, the physiotherapists explain what is happening with the patient’s body. It puts leaks and pain into perspective. 

To schedule a Mill Neck, NY physiotherapy near me appointment at Quan Medical PLLC, call 516-898-7676. Our Nassau County physical therapy professionals treat an array of conditions with a range of treatment plans. In addition, we serve ? and varRegion in New York.

You can learn more about our Nassau County physiotherapy clinic by visiting our website.


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