
Physical Therapy in Port Washington, NY 11050

9 Conditions Port Washington, NY Physical Therapy Professionals Treat

Individuals experiencing physical discomfort such as pain benefit from Port Washington NY physical therapy professional services. The team at Quan Medical PLLC treats several physical ailments.

The following are nine conditions Port Washington, NY physical therapy professionals treat.


Nassau County’s physical therapy professionals can treat headaches. First, they assess the discomfort. Each headache type has a different source. For example, muscle spasms cause cervicogenic headaches. Secondary headaches have several sources. For example, a traumatic brain injury leads to headaches. 

Headaches associated with TBI occur because the brain, blood vessels, and nerves interact with each other differently. The trauma altered their previous communication paths, and the side effect is a throbbing sensation that ranges from dull to sharp.

Common headaches include migraines, cranial neuralgias, and facial pain. 

Neuropathy conditions also cause painful sensations in the head. 

To start treating a headache, it’s important to speak with a primary doctor first. If the cause isn’t obvious, primary doctors order tests. As they narrow down the possibilities, patients make some decisions. For example, a patient needs to decide if they want to consume medications or opt for surgery. A third option exists.

Those who opt for Nassau County’s physical therapy receive a holistic and non-surgical treatment that delivers results.

An estimated 47% of the population experiences noticeable headaches. For some individuals, they’re not constant, but they return frequently enough to disrupt their lives. When headaches become disruptive, it’s time to take action. Individuals can improve their quality of life again.

Physical therapists aim to reduce pain. They manage it for the patient and teach them how to keep it up at home in between sessions. Physical rehabilitation professionals employ manual therapy to treat most headaches.

They couple manual therapy with exercise. Research shows that exercise is effective in reducing inflammation and pain. In turn, the results improve endurance and healing.

Therapy professionals are healers; they’re also teachers. Although professionals in the physical rehabilitation field aren’t physicians, they receive medical field training. After a session with patients, the therapists go over ways to reduce and prevent the continued occurrences of headaches. 

Back and Neck Pain

Poor posture is the culprit of many pain symptoms including back and neck pain. Two types of pain exist, chronic and sudden. Sudden pain occurs, but it doesn’t return. Chronic pain lasts six months and remains constant. 

It’s important to understand the source of pain. If it’s caused by disease, pain requires a set of treatments. If poor posture, strain, or a bad night’s sleep triggers the pain, it receives a different treatment plan.

Neck and back pain result from aging. It’s more common for individuals aged 30 to 50. If someone in their 20s experiences it, the condition is cause for concern. Injuries, trauma, and medical deterioration lead to back and neck pain too. 

Since many pain sources exist, physical therapists ensure that they understand their patient’s health status at the time of treatment.

Sports injuries also cause back and neck pain. In this case, the patient will visit with a therapist experienced in sports performance. 

To treat neck and back pain, therapists engage in passive or active Nassau County’s physical therapy treatment. Some neck and back pain result from instability in the spinal cord. If the spine is in good shape, a rehabilitation therapist can move forward with non-surgical treatment. 

In passive manual therapy, a patient receives treatment without exerting effort. The treatment consists of ice packs, heat, massages, and electrotherapy as necessary.

If the therapy calls for active treatment, the therapist becomes the guide through a series of stretches, exercises, and other movements. The patient arrives at the physical rehabilitation clinic and spends sessions with physical therapist professionals. 

The session consists of stretching to help relieve inflammation causing pain in the neck and back. Next, exercises strengthen the patient’s neck and back. By making the muscles stronger, the patient’s endurance improves. It also improves mobility, range of motion, and mechanics.

Lastly, the physiotherapist educates the patient. The professional discusses possible triggers that cause the discomfort.

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain covers discomfort felt in the body that returns regardless of treatment. Individuals turn to rehabilitation therapy as an alternative to pain medication. It also offers a non-surgical alternative that provides results for many patients.

To treat chronic pain, a therapist must dig deeper with their patient. This pain occurs throughout the body. Commonly, it’s a result of arthritis. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic are three common chronic and arthritic pains. Lupus and gout round out the top five. 

Before the professional formulates a physical treatment plan, they go through a thorough patient evaluation and examination. After they understand where the discomfort occurs and its triggers, they move forward.

An estimated 50 million Americans live with chronic pain. New Port Washington, NY physical therapy patients can rest assured that the field understands how to navigate the condition. 

A treatment plan for chronic pain consists of heat, ice, massage, and education. Patients can anticipate engaging in exercise too. 

Once the pain becomes chronic, it starts to decrease a person’s range of motion, endurance, mobility, and quality of life. The initial evaluation and exam determine if additional triggers are adding to the condition. For example, wearing heels, poor posture, and stress make it worse.

Exercise is the main component of a chronic pain treatment plan. The brain is constantly communicating with the body. Studies show that the brain anticipates pain when a person moves their arm, back or leg. Rehabilitation therapy shows the brain that movement doesn’t cause pain every time.

In the beginning, the pain level is the highest. Once exercise strengthens the body, the brain learns that the pain is dissipating. It stops anticipating pain at a high level. Chronic pain never goes away completely, but it’s possible to manage it.

Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease leads to pain in the neck and back. It begins in the spinal disc. The cushion that lives in between vertebrae wears out. When the vertebrae move, they rub against each other. The pain permeates throughout the back. 

This condition often results from age. Some individuals work their back too hard and develop it too. In severe cases, the rubbing leads to bone spurs that lodge into the nerve.

Yoga, aquatic therapy, and walking are three exercises that help individuals experiencing degenerative disc disease find some relief. 

For physical rehabilitation therapy, a professional determines the condition of the spine first. If the spine has degenerated too much, the patient has fewer therapy options. It makes aquatic physical therapy a worthwhile option. The patient also becomes a candidate for passive therapy treatments. 

These include deep tissue massages, heat, ice, and spinal traction. By alternating heat and cold therapies, a professional encourages blood to target the area where discomfort takes place. A massage helps relieve the tension that builds up in the area experiencing pain. 

Those with a mild condition can undergo a treatment plan led by a therapist. It will consist of active therapies such as exercises focusing on stretching, flexibility, and strength building. 

Degenerative disc disease is a lifelong chronic condition. Professionals in the New York physical therapy field aim to help patients cope with it.

Stroke Rehabilitation

Strokes have severe consequences. A person who suffers a stroke experiences neuropathy, loss of motor skills, and range of motion. 

A stroke occurs when a person’s brain fails to receive sufficient oxygen. The longer the interruption, the harsher the consequences. While it’s occurring, a person’s face droops, they experience speech difficulties and muscle weakness.

After a stroke, an individual waits to find out how their body will recover. Some individuals lose their speech function. Others lose their motor skills. The sooner an individual begins rehabilitation, the sooner they begin to regain function throughout their body.

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Physical rehabilitation for stroke patients is more involved than other conditions. The professional therapist must formulate a plan to help their patient execute simple tasks such as walking, sitting, and lying down. They help patients regain strength in the muscles. 

Once the patient’s muscles become stronger, other functions fall into place including motor skills. Stroke rehabilitation falls into occupational therapy. The goal is to help the patient become independent again. 

An estimated 10% of stroke patients regain full function. About 25% of Americans who experience a stroke recover with minor impairments, while 40% recover with moderate impairments and require care.

In addition, about 25% of individuals experience a recurrent stroke.

Thus, a rehabilitation specialist who works with stroke patients requires solid skills and expertise.

Sports Injuries

Sports rehabilitation professionals are another specialty within the Port Washington, NY physical therapy field. They work with professional and amateur athletes. A sports therapy professional helps athletes who experience an injury. They also teach them how to prevent injuries.

Their job is to complete the same tasks as athletic trainers and take care of injuries from minor to major. 

The sports world has adopted technology in great numbers. They use it to train and treat athletes. It’s not a surprise that sports therapy also uses it. For sports rehabilitation, five stages exist. The therapist protects and offloads pressure from the athlete. Then, reconditioning begins. 

Next, the athlete receives a conditioning program suited to the sport that they play. After sufficient time passes, the patient returns to their respective sports. If the return goes well, they receive a plan to prevent re-injury and future injuries.


Vertigo occurs when a person moves suddenly. The result is a spinning sensation. People lose their balance and become dizzy. Unlike other conditions that physical therapy professionals treat, vertigo isn’t pain-related. It’s also not caused by an underlying disease.

Professionals in this field treat dizziness, and vertigo falls into that category. Dizziness isn’t often caused by an imbalance in the middle ear. Vertigo results from migraine headaches and infections. It’s also something that happens out of nowhere. Then, it’s gone after a few seconds.

Individuals as young as 20 can experience vertigo. Older adults experience it too. For older adults, it’s more dangerous. It can cause a fall that results in an injury or death. If vertigo occurs often, the condition requires medical attention.

When double vision, inability to communicate clearly, inability to walk, and weakness accompany vertigo, it’s best to seek immediate medical attention. If it’s a slight occurrence, a physical therapist is a holistic alternative.

Quan Medical PLLC confirms that their patient is experiencing vertigo by running a series of tests. Treatment focuses on the head and body. The goal is to redshift the position of crystals in the ear. 

The exact maneuver a therapist uses depends on the results from the test. Therapists have a high success rate with treating vertigo.

Pelvic Floor Therapy

Pelvic floor therapy is a rehabilitation service that benefits women. Although some men may find it beneficial too. 

A woman’s body experiences more trauma. Her body serves as the vessel that gives birth. Therefore, her reproductive system fosters life. Females undergo three major reproductive changes in their lives. Each change impacts her overall health.

When she gives birth, it places a strain on her body. Her hip bones open and her reproductive system experiences trauma. 

Therapy for the pelvic floor targets the pelvic floor and its ligaments and muscles. It returns strength to this area of the body. Strength helps rectify dysfunction, pain, and weakness. 

Women who experience pain when urinating, sudden urine leakage, and painful bowel movements benefit from this therapy. The therapy consists of exercises to alleviate discomfort. Exercises include Kegels, squats, and bridges. These are exercises that women can complete at home too. The guidance of a professional helps enhance the results.

In addition to guiding patients through their exercises, Quan Medical PLLC provides education. Women experiencing pelvic floor discomfort benefit from lifestyle changes. It’s possible to retrain the bladder.

Individuals experiencing the above conditions, among others, can book an appointment with Quan Medical PLLC physical therapy professionals in Port Washington, NY. Call 516-898-7676 to reserve a date and time. Our team treats other conditions too. We also serve Nassau. To see a list of our services, visit our website.


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